As a Boston real estate agent, I know how fierce the competition is out there for my sellers. Buyers are looking at many homes, often in a short period of time, and that means that details matter. That’s why it’s so important that people see and feel the difference between your home and the others they may be considering.

Staging eliminates question marks

When a buyer walks through an empty home, they might be confused about what function a room serves, or whether a space (say, a landing) will become a “dead zone” or unusable in the long run.

Staging demonstrates how these spaces can be used, which can be used as a jumping off point for buyers’ imaginations. They might say, “Oh, interesting, their Peloton is here but I would use this as an office.” That’s great! When buyers can see the way a space can function for their own purposes, they’re more likely to focus on what’s working about the property.

Staging demonstrates how to maximize a space

A beautifully staged space allows buyers to understand how much they’ll be able to do within it. It’s very difficult to envision how you might lay out your furniture in an empty room, or even whether your furniture will be able to fit in it, when a space is empty or filled to the gills with bulky furniture.

When we add furniture and decor that’s the appropriately scaled for the space, we’re able to show buyers just how much they can get out of a space. An empty area between a living room and kitchen becomes a dining room. A landing becomes a reading nook with room for two armchairs. Being able to show people that these areas have function rather than just telling them about it is a powerful tool in giving your home a leg up on the competition.

Staging sells homes faster and for more money

Most home buyers are looking for a property that they can move into without doing a ton of work (and spending a lot of money!) beforehand. When buyers are able to walk into a home that feels finished, and that doesn’t require them to stretch to imagine themselves in it, they’re far more likely to push it to the top of their list.

And finally, staged homes sell for more money because buyers are able to see the value of the property. Where other properties may leave them with a to do list and questions about whether the rooms will work for their lifestyle, your staged home will justify a higher asking price by doing the hard work of solving those problems up front.

Do you have questions about buying or selling your home? I’m a Boston real estate agent, and I would be happy to talk to you about your property. Let’s chat!

As we say goodbye to summer and embrace the fall, it’s important to think ahead to ensure we have safe and energy-efficient winter season. Take a few moments to review this helpful list and set aside some time in the next few months to put them into action!

Step 1: Give Your Home a Once-Over

Let's start by giving your home a friendly check-up! Take a look around for any sneaky issues that might make your home feel chilly during the winter. We're talking about drafts, leaks, and places where chilly air likes to sneak in. Keep an eye on windows, doors, and that mysterious attic.

Step 2: Say Goodbye to Drafts and Leaks

Now, let's tackle those drafts and leaks like a pro:

  • Caulk and Weatherstrip Windows and Doors: Grab some caulk and weatherstripping to seal up any gaps and cracks around your windows and doors. These are like the cozy blankets for your house.

  • Hunt for Gaps: Check your walls and ceilings for any sneaky gaps or cracks and patch them up with some trusty sealant.

  • Add Door Sweeps: Think of door sweeps as your home's own fuzzy slippers. Attach them to the bottom of your outside doors to keep drafts from sneaking in.

Step 3: Give Your Home a Warm Hug

Your home deserves a warm hug, and that comes in the form of insulation:

  • Attic Insulation: Make sure your attic is wrapped up nicely with insulation. If it's looking a bit chilly up there, add some more. It'll help keep the heat where it belongs.

  • Wall Insulation: If your walls are feeling left out in the cold, consider adding insulation or some snazzy thermal wallpaper.

  • Basement and Crawl Space Insulation: Don't forget about these spots! Insulating them will keep the cold at bay.

Step 4: Show Your Heating System Some Love

Give your heating system a little TLC:

  • Furnace Check-Up: Call in a pro to give your furnace or heating system a check-up. And remember to change the air filter regularly - it's like a breath of fresh air for your system.

  • Upgrade to a Programmable Thermostat: A programmable thermostat is like a personal temperature coach for your home. It'll keep things cozy and efficient.

Step 5: Protect Those Pipes

Frozen pipes are no fun, so let's keep them warm:

  • Insulate Pipes: Wrap up exposed pipes in your basement and attic with insulation.

  • Let Faucets Drip: On super chilly nights, let your faucets drip just a bit to keep the pipes from turning into popsicles.

  • Bye-Bye, Outdoor Hoses: Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses, and shut off exterior water sources to prevent freezing.

Step 6: Ready Your Windows

Your windows deserve some attention too:

  • Window Insulation Film: Apply some window insulation film to keep the warmth in and the cold out.

  • Bring on the Cozy Curtains: Hang some thermal curtains or thick drapes - they'll give your home that snug, wintery feeling.

Step 7: Get Snow and Ice Ready

Winter means snow and ice, so be prepared:

  • Snow Tools: Stock up on shovels, snow blowers, and ice melt.

  • Roof Check: Give your roof a quick once-over to make sure it's ready for snowfall and doesn't have any damaged spots.

Step 8: Reverse Ceiling Fans

Make your ceiling fans work for you! Set them to rotate clockwise at a low speed to push warm air down from the ceiling.

Step 9: Stock Up on Winter Essentials

Load up on winter goodies like food, water, flashlights, and batteries. You'll thank yourself if there's a power outage or a snowstorm.

Step 10: Be Emergency-Ready

Know your home's emergency systems, like the circuit breaker and gas shut-off valve, just in case.

Now you're all set to make your home cozy and winter-ready. If you have any more questions or need extra tips, don't hesitate to ask. Stay warm and safe! 🏠❄️🔥

Seasonal maintenance can help ensure your home remains in tip-top shape throughout the year. So, let's roll up our sleeves and dive into an exhaustive list of seasonal maintenance tasks to keep your home cozy and comfortable, no matter the weather.


  1. Gutter Clean-Up: Spring showers bring May flowers, but they can also bring clogged gutters. Clean out any debris to prevent water damage.

  2. Roof Inspection: Examine your roof for any damage from winter weather, and replace any missing shingles or fix leaks.

  3. Check Your HVAC: Make sure your air conditioning system is ready for the upcoming heatwaves by changing the filters and scheduling a professional tune-up.

  4. Landscaping: Trim bushes, trees, and shrubs that may have overgrown during winter. Plan your garden for the season.

  5. Window Cleaning: A little extra sunshine in your life? Clean your windows to maximize the view.


  1. Deck and Patio Maintenance: Power wash, seal, and stain your deck or patio to protect it from the summer sun and barbecue mess.

  2. Bug Control: Keep those pesky summer bugs at bay by ensuring screens are intact and sealing any gaps where they could sneak in.

  3. HVAC Maintenance: Clean or replace filters again, and check your thermostat settings for efficiency.

  4. Check for Leaks: Look for any water leaks in the basement or other areas that could result from summer storms.

  5. Pool Care: If you have a pool, ensure it's clean, and maintain proper chemical levels.


  1. Gutter Clean-Up Round 2: With the leaves falling, it's essential to clean the gutters again to avoid clogs and water damage.

  2. Winterize Your Garden: Prepare your garden for the winter by protecting delicate plants and storing garden equipment properly.

  3. Inspect and Clean Chimney: Make sure your fireplace is safe to use. Schedule a chimney sweep to remove creosote buildup.

  4. Inspect Windows and Doors: Check for drafts and seal any gaps to keep the cold air out.

  5. Furnace Check: Before the temperature drops, have your heating system inspected and serviced to ensure it's in working order.


  1. Snow Removal Gear: Ensure your snow shovels, snow blowers, and rock salt are ready for action.

  2. Indoor Winter Prep: Seal any drafts around windows and doors and stock up on winter essentials, like extra blankets.

  3. Keep an Eye on Pipes: Prevent frozen pipes by insulating them and allowing a small trickle of water to run during extreme cold.

  4. Check Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors: With heating systems working overtime, ensure your detectors are functional and have fresh batteries.

  5. Emergency Kit: Assemble an emergency kit with essentials like flashlights, non-perishable food, and a battery-powered radio.

Remember, these tasks may vary depending on your specific home and its unique needs, so use this list as a guideline. By staying on top of seasonal maintenance, you'll not only protect your investment but also make your home a comfortable and welcoming place all year round. Happy homemaking! 😊